A (bird) Murder Mystery Solved.
I’m back! To recap the events of the burder witnessed on Big Pine Key. (Bird-Murder.) And the subsequent investigation, done, very lazily, (by me.)
There’s a link this time. Also I’m not a birder, so I’m only 90% confident in my identification.
All in all, I think I fail to come to a point in this one, and for that I am proud.
Stay tuned, posts should be back to normal. (It’s the bird that’s fleeing, seagull in talon, but I’m sticking around with more stories to tel.)

When the Feather Drops
When the true crime is a bird crime, the expect a lot of bird puns. Why is this the blog series I chose to go with? I don’t know. Want something better, with cooler illustrations, check out my books instead. The 3rd Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novel is coming. In the mean time, I’m just goofing off.
I’m having fun, I hope you will too!
Feather Fall
The continuation of my short “true Crime” story about Birds on Big Pine Key.
Recently, dad and witnessed an interesting feeding behavior of a broad-wing hawk. And I decided to write a parody series about it. There’s also a fun picture of a Key Deer hanging out with a bunny. Live action Bambi casting directors. Call me.

The Case of the Drifting Feathers
Feather down came drifting through the breeze, the mark of a surprising attack. There were two birds in the branches across the street. One of them was already dead.
How did this happen? What events could lead to such a crime? A burder (bird murder) had been committed, captured on a NikonD90. Even so, would there be justice?
An author who would rather turn a chance encounter into something ridiculous, than continue to edit the book he’s working on now: a second bird at the scene of the crime. A confluence of events which would shape the future of a small island at the end of the Florida peninsula. Would the skies ever be safe again?
(probably, this is just a silly blog after all, don’t read too much into it!)

Amelia’s list of pirate-y words.
Today, is a big editing day. So to entertain myself, and hopefully you, I’ve built a vocabulary list which will be useful in the upcoming JRIC novel The Treasure of Biscayne Bay. The book should be out in time for this years talk like a pirate day. Use this as a reference to talk like a pirate never really would.

A New Year!!!
Everyone has a story. What was your story for 2023? What will be your story for 2024?
Here I mostly just want to share my new skill. (check out the gif) but I also lay out a bit about plans for this coming year, while being all vague and cool about it to avoid spoilers. Big things are coming! And big things happened in 2023. I wrote about those too.

Interview with a Retired Park Ranger Part 2.
It’s time for the continued interview with a retired ranger. (my dad.) My poor transcriptions of some of his favorite stories to tell. He has so many! I tried to get as many as I could fit in one day of talking to him. Also, the true story behind this picture!

Thanksgiving for the Junior Rangers
The recent holiday and a trip to Mammoth Cave got me thinking, “How did the members of JRIC spend their holiday after the events of The Specters of Mammoth Cave?” So here is the answer to that question
Come for the pictures of the dogs and pumpkins, stick around to read up on JRIC Holiday goofs. 2 mysteries solved, 1 life saved, and an allusion to the Big Mystery!

Interview with a Retired Park Ranger, Aka: My dad. Pt. 1
With the holiday season I thought I would interview a retired ranger about his park service career. Fortunately, one- my dad-, was on hand to answer questions. Here is part 1 of the interview. Also read to the end to find a link to a bookshop you can use to find books from talented authors and artists. (Including mine.)
Party On!

A Short Walk for a Promo pt. 2
One of these Jack’o’Lanterns is Tazo, from Coffee Chronicles. I thought I’d gotten a tall enough pumpkin to do him justice. I’ve always been partial to more rounded pumpkins. Possibly because of the kids book The Big Pumpkin. (Highly recommended!) Anyway, this is a continuation of the ghost story I started last week. It’s a Specter Detector Story which takes place right before the events of The Specters of Mammoth Cave. Is it required reading? No. I just wanted to share a ghost story. Enjoy!

A Short Walk for a Promo pt. 1
What were the Specter Detectors up to in the days before the Investigation in Mammoth Cave National Park? Here’s a glimpse into their world.
Oops! I meant to have this out on Halloween. Instead I’m 5 days late. Take this Tazo jack’o’lantern as an apology and reminder. Who is Tazo? Also, check out Coffee Chronicles, which is its own spook story, a series for all seasons. (as I seem to be running late!)

The True Fright of Cave Exploration
This week I share 2 anecdotes from my dad’s days of cave exploring, and what I find scary about caves, the things beyond the shadows which are not so ghostly.

Mammoth Cave Recommended Reading
Surprisingly, I am not the first person to write a book about Mammoth Cave. (I jest, it’s in my imprint name.) I happened to have read a few of these other books.
In addition, The Specters of Mammoth Cave, is a fictional story set in a real place, meaning I could only cram in so much of the actual factual history, nature, and lore of the park.
Thus I would like to give my recommendation for further reading about Mammoth Cave, be it an interest in ghosts, history, geology or more here are a few of my top rec’s for books about the park.

It’s Spooky Season
More time making goofy sketches today, less time writing. So this is a really short blog, which is actually more to plug last week’s entry. Need a recommendation for spooky places to look in Kentucky this Halloween season, check out both entries in my Touring Mammoth Cave duology! But stop here first to see lattean antics! Fun things coming soon!

Touring Mammoth Cave
The Specters of Mammoth Cave is out now! Links are spread around the website! This week, after the release, I thought it would be fun to see what kind of spooky places the members of J.R.I.C. would recommend to aspiring Specter Detectors.

Now Released!!!
The Specters of Mammoth Cave is Out Now!!!!
Ask for it in your local bookstore, or in Mammoth Cave, or read the links in this blog or elsewhere on the website!!!
Ahhhh!!! I’m so excited to share this spooky mystery with everyone!

Looking back and looking forward: For Treasure!
Recently, Dad and I had an opportunity to travel to the Dry Tortugas! I just wanted to share a bit about that trip… Look what’s on the bookshelves!!!!

Touring Mammoth Cave National Park
There are tons of spectacular places to see in Mammoth Cave National Park. Since The Specters of Mammoth Cave is coming out next week, I thought it might help you get to know the kids, by taking a tour of some of their favorite places in the park. Here are 9 (well, actually 12 and a half of the the places and activities most recommended by the Junior Rangers Investigative Club!