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Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novel #1
Treasure off the Coast
70 Miles west of Key West lie 7 desert islands in the middle of the vast ocean, surrounded by coral reefs, deep waters and countless shipwrecks. In the middle of it all is the largest masonry structure in the Western Hemisphere: Fort Jefferson. Built during the Civil War, it housed soldiers, sailors, and prisoners alike. Now it is a tropical paradise inhabited by park rangers, wildlife, and mystery. Visited daily by hundreds, the park offers up a glimpse into the past, and a look into a still protected marine world.
Visiting their friend Lucy Benitez, Justin Case and Rudy Scheer must help her uncover someone attempting to sabotage her mother’s archeological expedition to explore the sunken history of wrecks scattered around the park. Will they be able to get to the depths of the mystery before it is too late, or will the expedition be cut short? Along the way the Junior Rangers Investigative Club will learn more about the history and natural wonder of one of our remotest national parks.
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Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novel #2
Specters of Mammoth Cave
Deep in the karst country of southern Kentucky, Mammoth Cave winds for hundreds of miles through limestone, darkness, and history. The longest cave in the world has a rich past and a vibrant present, as does the land above it. Both are full of stories about wars, brave adventurers, and the natural wonders which compose cave country. The human history can be traced back to the woodlands people, all the way to the present day as we continue to explore and discover more in Mammoth Cave National Park. The natural history of the park continues, also, to yield new discoveries. However, caves are ripe for mystery and curiosity, as we cant help but wonder what might been down there just outside the range of our light.
Fleeing north to avoid a hurricane, the Junior Rangers Investigative Club set up temporary residence in Mammoth Cave National Park. Bethany Caulfield is excited to show off her park, but the team quickly gets swept up in mystery when spooky things begin to happen in the cave. Joining a team of paranormal investigators, Justin, Bethany, Amelia, Rudy and Lucy hope to discover what’s really haunting Mammoth Cave, before the park is forced to close until the strange occurrences stop.
The Specters of Mammoth Cave is 99.9% ready. I’m just trying to make sure everything is perfect.
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Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novel #3
Treasure of Biscayne Bay
Just south of Miami, and at the northern tip of the Florida Keys, this marine national park shelters nurseries of sea life, coral reefs, and a history of shipwrecks, sailors, and (some would claim) pirates. Elliot Key was once home to families who farmed the land, before Miami grew to a population of >400. Porgy Key was home to the Jones, a pioneering family who helped to shape the history of the park. Long before them there were other sailors, stories from the past, and legends left as markers on modern charts. Today the park is at the forefront of efforts to support marine environments in our changing world. Weather you come for the fishing, the snorkeling, or to learn about anecdotes from the past, this park has a lot to offer.
There are stories of pirates who shaped the history of southern Florida, but these stories have a history of growing and changing. Rudy Scheer is convinced that there is something to the legend of pirates- and treasure- in Biscayne Bay, all he has to do is convince is friends to help him find it. Meanwhile, Justin Case has his sights set elsewhere: a mysterious boat has been showing up in the area, with trouble from the past. What are they up to now? Lucy just wants to stay out of trouble, but will she be able to as her friends attempt to solve the various mysteries of Biscayne National Park, while learning about the true Treasure of Biscayne Bay.
It’s on it’s way.
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