About Alienjest Press
I, Nathan W. Landrum, wanted to write books, but despite the beginning of this sentence, I don’t want to overemphasize my name. Or perhaps I just like the idea of an alien who is also a jester. Maybe I even have dreams of making this something more. Whatever the case may be, for now Alienjest Press is the imprint under which Nathan W. Landrum publishes his self published works: The Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novels, and maybe more.
Frequently asked Questions:
(as anticipated by the author because this website isn’t very interactive yet.)
Why the name?
Alienjest Press. I like the way it sounds, that simple. Although the name Alienjest is something I’ve held onto for a while. No big reason there. Sometimes I feel like my humor is a little weird. Sometimes a feel a little alien myself. Sometimes I don’t feel either of these, but I like the logo.
Are you a press?
Neither news, nor printing press. The imprint is just an easy way to get a fun logo and some name recognition. If Alienjest were a company, it would be closer to a publisher, (I guess) but Alienjest Publications doesn’t have the right ring.
What is your target audience?
Anyone who likes national parks, aliens, dinosaurs, mysteries, reading, or any combination thereof. I’m not targeting a specific age or demographic, except that I hope to sell my books in National Parks.
Why start with J.R.I.C?
I grew up in national parks, daydreaming of mysteries, trespassing where tourists shouldn’t go, (but I was allowed because it was where I lived,) and absorbing an appreciation for nature and history.
And honestly, it’s one of my more marketable ideas. Hopefully people enjoy these works and become curious about some of my others.
If not, I hope that these works at least inspire a richer appreciation of our parks and the world they protect.
Are the mysteries/pirates/ghosts etc, real?
Each story in J.R.I.C. is based in the history and nature of the featured park and everything I can absorb and research about the place as I work on my books.
However the mysteries and characters in these stories are all fictional, including the those based on historical people. I want to pull people from history so that you can meet them, but at best all I can do is guess at what they would be like, and what they would do, in scenarios I made up.
If you want a more specific answer, check the back of every J.R.I.C. book for a (now unnamed section) where I attempt to layout what was truth and fiction. Or check the blog posts related to a specific story.
As for my other works:
Coffee Chronicles: Coffee and people named Kevin exist. I’d like to think that there’s a Tazolazomattemattema out there too.
Dinoforce Alpha: There were dinosaurs.
Dark Matters Investigations: There are private detectives.
What is Coffee Chronicles, and why is it on Kindle Vella?
Coffee chronicles is my oldest enduring creative project. There are some defunct websites out there with poorly edited versions of the first of three sections of the story. At it’s heart it’s about a boy, his alien friend, and their grand adventures. Also, coffee, and a poor extrapolation of dimensional physics. It’s for all ages.
It is near and dear to me, hard to pin down, and requires a hefty expense for artists to develop the way I want to make it. So for now, I decided to release it on Kindle Vella simply because I wanted it out there, and the episodic nature of Kindle Vella fits Coffee Chronicles very well. Is it a perfect match? No. Will I do more with Coffee Chronicles some day? Maybe/hopefully/probs.
In the world of J.R.I.C. the producer/creator of Coffee Chronicles is further along with his development plans than I am at the moment.
All you need to know is that It’s about a boy named Kevin and his kind-of alien friend TazoLazomattemattema (often spelled differently. It has something to do with coffee.
I didn’t answer the question did I?
Hopefully soon!
What is Dark Matters Investigations?
A more mature storyline which I may self publish or seek another publisher for.
Why mention it at all?
Because It will become something.
What other works are you writing?
Lots! some I hope to publish through Alienjest Press, others I will shop out to different markets.
Why are your other ideas so different?
I have lots of ideas.
Sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, mystery, …
I’ve been fortunate enough to see a lot of the world, and my experiences have allowed me to draw from rich sources of inspiration to take my stories in many different directions.
Some of your other work seems too mature. How do I know which words are appropriate?
That’s a hard question. Appropriate is often in the eye of the beholder.
A few of my story ideas deal with darker concepts, and adult themes. These ideas are not Coffee Chronicles, or any of the J.R.I.C. Mysteries.
If I publish these myself I will make sure to have a way of delineating them from my other titles.
I will also delineate stories with a more science fiction or fantasy bent. I do not believe in creating a pen name for different types of stories, and trust my audience to be discerning and only read the things which interest them.
For now, anything printed under the Alienjest Press label is intended for any audience capable of reading it. And for a while it will probably only be J.R.I.C. (and maybe Dinoforce alpha)
I hope to keep these stories appropriate for all ages, but want it to feel like the characters and environments are real, and since they are a group of mystery solvers, often out in nature this does mean that they will sometimes face danger.
Why isn't my favorite character in this mystery?
J.R.I.C. is meant to be dynamic. I want to provide the opportunity to present different perspectives, and invite guest characters who are more familiar with a region or park.
Sometimes, if there are too many characters in one book, I don’t have the opportunity to give them as much of a spotlight as they deserve.
Just know that if your favorite is not in one book, they will be back again. And hopefully you can find another character to like as much in the meantime.
Will you publish works from other Authors?
This is the dream.
But right now, I am only one author,. Until there are a few more books in the Junior Rangers Investigative Club Series, or until Coffee Chronicles hits #1 on the Kindle Vella charts, the only written words I’m able to process and develop are my own.
If you would like advice on what to do, or what not to do on your own journey to self publication feel free to contact me. (via the vendors link at the bottom of the page.) I cant give you the best possible answers but I will share what I have learned, and answer any questions to the best of my ability.
If you are just looking for an awesome middle grade and children’s book illustrator, then check out the link to Bailey’s website below!