It’s Spooky Season

There’s nothing better than driving through Kentucky at night.

There’s no place better than your favorite national park.

There’s no more entertaining holiday than Halloween.

These are opinions, what is fact is that:

It’s the spooky season, and The Specters of Mammoth Cave, (out now check the multiple links below,) is a spooky book!

Buy it at:

Barnes and Noble or Amazon Paperback or Amazon Kindle

and if you do, Please leave a review!!!

I have a lot planned for this holiday season and I will be posting updates as possible!!!

Today, I got a little caught up creating image assets to thinking about a blog. Plus, last weeks blog seems about perfect to start off the season, so if you haven’t read it yet, please do! And if you have stay tuned.

Here, I’ll share some of the stuff I’ve been making: You can see these guys now at the end of

The Specters of Mammoth Cave. The Latteans make a guest appearance!


Mammoth Cave Recommended Reading


Touring Mammoth Cave