Holiday Blog Season
What a curios tree topper! What could it be?
I’m late, again. Which, conversely, means I’m early. I usually write these a couple of days in advance. Why? Well, I can write them when I’m in the mood, check for most (definitely not all) spelling and grammar errors, and set them to publish at a specified time.
However I must admit that I go into a limited hibernation as the holiday season approaches. And as previously mentioned, I’ve been traveling of late, (research for book 2 and the like.) Thus I have neglected this very time sensitive, and wide reaching blog for a second time in the same month!.
Don’t worry! I promise something totally awesome this upcoming Saturday, Christmas Eve!!!
It wont be the third part in my Case For Fiction series, as I’ve decided to take the rest of this month off from my one sided shadow boxing match with opponents of fiction in parks, and continue through to next year with more of a holiday theme.
To that end I shall start this small holiday season with this image preview for things too come!
Yes! It is entirely possible I spent a ridiculous amount of time generating image assets from my own terrible sketches. Was it worth it? Wait until you see the other ridiculous things to come!!!