Twas the Night Before Latte:
Twas the night before Christmas when all through the shop, Kevin was running and would not stop.
The espresso was ground and ready to extract, Kevin demanding Dr. Michaels be more exact.
“So, Santa travels around the world in one night? What’s the average velocity of reindeer flight?
And if he squeezes down each chimney with care, how can his belly contain fat to spare?”
Cathy smirked over the hyper boy’s head, while each new question filled the Doctor with dread.
The milk began frothing in a steaming clatter, as the Doctor explained in a know-it-all matter.
“Perhaps St. Nick uses quirk of dimensional travel, Slipping through time as the timestreams unravel.
As for his penchant for fitting though cracks, Perhaps hyper dimensional rules are quite lax.
Where in Flatland a sphere can change its perceptive size, by moving itself beyond axes X and Y
Santa fits his large belly in dimensions unseen, and pulls presents back with it to set under each tree.
With a groan and a grumble, the machine began to bubble. Cathy called out each drink as it spritzes out espresso doubles “Gingerbread Latte, Peppermint Steam, White Chocolate Mocha, Almond Praline, Chestnut, and Ginger, Toasted Marshmallow, and Chai! Get me more cups, there are more flavors to try!
Sample away, let me know what you think! Tomorrow I’ll feature your favorite drink.
As only a young boy fueled by caffeine could, Kevin jumped up and dodged around where the doctor stood. He reached for the tumblers Cathy had stationed nearby, and give each expertly flavored drink a try.
And then, as emerald glow crept round his carafe, Kevin let out an exuberant laugh.
The green haze was banished, as the boy stood his ground. No up-dimensional travel this year around.
This tale is a story told from several years past, when Kevin and Cathy thought the good times would last.
But though travel abated, visions still did flow, of a moonpie headed alien, brow furrowed.
Tazo was decked in stripes both bright red and dark green, making links to candy canes easily seen.
His muffin eyes bounced atop his soft rounded head, while his rows of sharp teeth were hidden to keep us from dread.
His whole alien form was coiled like a spring, to launch himself from the prison of the Traveler’s dreams.
But despite being captive in the terrible tower, he wasn’t a Lattean given to cower.
His broad rounded face and dinosaurian arms were tensed at the ready for fishy alarms.
He laughed to himself, startling his two peers turned guards, “I’ll escape someday from the Traveler’s backyard.”
They shook their own rounded heads, and rolled muffin eyes, “Any attempt to escape would be far from wise.
Traveler controls this and the dimensions below. If you try to run, we will have to follow.”
Tazo smiled brightly and gave them both a wink. It wouldn’t help his escape if they began to think.
For now, it was best he spoke not another word. His potential fishy plan was better left unheard.
It was a twinge of caffeinated Kevin power, which had brought him Christmas Cheer this very hour.
So Tazo sat in his 3.5 D prison cell, and imagined the stories he soon would help tell.
Back in our standard three-dimensional plane, Kevin wondered about the strange alien twang.
But he set aside any thought of that matter, to provide Cathy’s drink making skills with praise and flatter.
Dropping his last mug down on the counter, he longingly stared at the empty cup tower.
“I can’t make a choice, I liked each and every one. Could we feature them all? It would be very fun!”
It was the Doctor’s turn to grin as Cathy let out a sigh, “I’ll see what I can do, I’ll give it a try.”
We’ll leave them alone in Stellar Café,
Theirs is a story for another holiday.*
But to all who read this with bemusement or delight, from Kevin, Tazo, Cathy, Linka and Steve, Happy Christmas, Merry Holidays, and a – caffeinated or not- good night!
*(Or Now!!!!: Coffee Chronicles Season 1 on Kindle Vella now!- check out this Link)