Late!!! and “keeping” deadlines
I’ve been traveling. I’ve been working on a few behind the scenes things to push a couple novels over the hill. I’ve been hanging out with family. I’ve been more absorbed in writing a couple of other things…. Check out Coffee Chronicles on Kindle Vella. (also look forward to book 2 in the Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novels, and know that the 3rd book is on the way!!!!)
My point is: woops!!!
I forgot to write a blog. There goes my multi-week Saturday at 3:30pm Eastern blog release. I’m sorry to disappoint my many (read: probably < or = 1: readers!)
So considering the joke, why do I keep doing these.
Several reasons, #1 to establish a continous writing spirit. #2 because I have things to say. #3 because when I am not too lazy to photoshop pictures of parks I’ve visited, I want somewhere to show off those pictures.
So, considering #2 is the only reason that really relates to the point of this blog, what do I have to say this week?
Not much. I’ll keep it brief. There is a lot that goes in to pushing a Novel off the cliff known as publication. (I know. This isn’t a writing blog, I promise… becase…)
My point is: In an effort to drag book 2 nearer to publication, I’ve been researching and talking to people who know more about the park than me. (names which might make appearance in Book 2’s thank you’s.") And It has been great! There are people associated with every park who know a lot about it, have good ideas, and an impressive history, memory, or experience with their park.
Last weeks article was a long one. Next weeks might be too. So I will keep this one short and sweet.
There are a lot of people who love and know a lot about every national park. If you want to know more about it talk to them!
This house will be important in book 2
The most important hint about book 2 (other than the title, which anyone who has a copy of The Treasure off the Coast will already know. Also insert my obligatory bad photoshop.