Coming Soon!!!
Treasure off the Coast:
A Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novel
And Maybe More…
Or Soon(ish)… Soon is probably good enough.
It’s been a while since I’ve updated this website with another Blog. That’s because a lot has been happening, but most of it is behind the scene stuff related to production. Finding Editors, taking their advice. Learning about each step necessary to ensure that Treasure off the Coast — and through it the entire Junior Rangers Investigative Club Series — is set up for success from the beginning. It should surprise no one that this has taken longer than expected. But your wait is almost over! The first book is on it’s way. All that’s left are the last finishing touches.
So what have I been doing? Learning. Editing. Reading up on other self-published authors success and horror stories. Accepting the fact that I will probably fall into some of the same pitfalls, even though I know they are coming.
But who wants to read about any of that?
No seriously. It was a lot of work, and if you want to know more, here is my active threat that somewhere down the line I will share what I have learned, and expose to the world how much I still have left to grow. But I will save that article for another day. Today I only have one Big thing to say, and one smaller, but related announcement.
Treasure off the Coast: The first Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novel is on it’s way!!!
And I am so excited to share it with you! The day it is available, I will send out my first real newsletter: announcing it’s publication and instructing anyone interested on how to get it. So stay tuned.
And if you are interested in other projects, something else will be coming the month of the first book release. It’s a smaller project, and a stranger one. And I don’t want to give away too much now, but here is a hint.
A sign written in the clouds. A ridiculous adventure begins!
So stay tuned! But not for long. Big things are coming and the announcement about book 1 will appear soon!!!