Announcing New Cover, and teasing release.
Last Monday, I got the opportunity to head out to the Dry Tortugas. I think this might have been my first time out there since I began writing Treasure off the Coast! To be expected of a national park some things have changed, and other things remain comfortably familiar.
Renovations around the Sally Port are complete. Renovations of the Harbor Light are ongoing. The moat wall is still broken. More of the massive cannon, which once rusted away, buried by windblown sand, atop the fort, have been restored to give visitors an idea of how intimidating the fort might have been if fully operational.
Off of Garden Key, things are also changing. Bush and Long Key have migrated and split. There is a group working on coral research and restoration working in the park. The frigate birds were swarming over Long Key. They remain one of my favorite birds, because they remind me of pterodactyls. If you want to see what I mean Check out the new cover of Treasure off the Coast!!! (splashed throughout this webpage, and at the bottom of this blog.)
Where was I? Changes at the fort!
Look! They got a new sign:
Look! They got a new sign!
What am I holding?
Eagle eyed readers, or anyone who simply pays attention to this text, might notice that in my hands is something super exciting!!! Physical copies of Treasure off the Coast! There are some kinks to be worked out. (I want the book to be it’s best possible form before publication.) But printing proofs is a huge step!
I didn’t go out to the park with my dad to show off the new book. Although while I was out there I did debate plans for a unique book launch:
Proposed book delivery system
But it turns out that, despite their restoration, there’s no point breaking out these big guns for a book launch. They are no longer capable of firing books long range. (or at all.) Instead, it’s probably best that we look forward to the days where Treasure off the Coast, will be available for purchase on Amazon, hopefully in park gift shops, and maybe more.
Physical proofs of a book I’ve long dreamed to make a reality sit near the peak of a massive and steep learning curve! I’ve had to learn a lot, rely on many other people, and make hefty mistakes. But being able to hold a copy, (near complete,) of this story in my hands is awesome!
Even if it wasn’t. It was nice to visit Fort Jefferson and the Dry Tortugas again. This place was one of my favorite growing up, and still is a favorite to this day. Hopefully soon, through the adventures of a group of investigators far cooler than me, I can share more of my experiences growing up out there with you!
Also, Check it out! I got to go with my dad. If you make it to the dock on Garden Key, read the sign over his shoulder. He is quoted on it.
Wayne Landrum: Retired Ranger, and author of Fort Jefferson and the Dry Tortugas
ps: Bailey Vidler, the illustrator for the Junior Rangers Investigative Club has been putting in tons of work to make Treasure off the Coast the best book it can be. Check out more of Bailey’s illustrations at,
There, as here you might notice that the cover for Treasure off the Coast has gotten a massive upgrade. This blog ended up being more about my recent trip, but you’ll see the new cover scattered throughout the site. It is awesome!
Isn’t it cool?