Announcing The First Book!!! (and Title)

((And Website))

It’s official! There will be a book!* It will be coming soon(ish)

We are still* month(s) away from publication. But check it out!!!

There is a notebook full of things I need to do to bring my physical book into existence. Half the list is complete. Half is ahead. But there were two big hurdles to jump which, with the help of other—really talented—people, have now been crossed. And I want to share them.

Hence: This website. Launching today and announced across my limited social media presence we have a title:

The last thing you want see when you tell someone the title of your book, is a slight head wobble of thought, a gentle nod of acceptance, and a sigh right before you hear that: your title sounds “ok.” I’m not very good with titles. At least not serious titles.** And you can see the fruits of my waffling in: Treasure off the Coast as the members of J.R.I.C. discuss various mystery names I considered throughout the lifespan of the manuscript. However, I think this works.

But that’s not all!!!

How many times have we been told not to judge a book by its cover?

As an object lesson about humanity and waiting to take in the whole context of a person—beyond their outer shell, it works. As an actual lesson about books…

I would be lying if I said that a book’s cover means nothing to me. Although an attractive cover will only take me as far as the synopsis which will then have to been equally griping,*** I have been pulled towards books by covers in the past. Also, I want people to see the books in a giftshop and make a beeline for them. I want to see the characters I’ve spent years getting to know—while writing them—come to visual life. And I want to provide even more reasons for people to pick up my books.

To that end, I’m happy to say that I found an artist capable of making my story stand out, representing these characters with a talent I do not have, and all around doing a great job of illustrating the Junior Rangers Investigative Club and their antics.

I’ve written too much. This was supposed to be a simple Title and Cover Reveal. So without further writing:

Meet Justin Case, Rudy Scheer, and Lucy Benitez as they hang out in Fort Jefferson during their first published mystery. As illustrated by Bailey Vidler: about the illustrator, expect to see more of the characters and other scenes from the mystery inside of the book.


*Book 2 and 3 are also in development right now. Books beyond that are planned.

**serious titles anyway, Bombastic titles, or ridiculous titles are far too easy to write.

***now seeking good synopsis writer.


Coming Soon!!!


Launching a website, starting a business and other incidentals.