The Pirates Caesar
Part 0 / Intro
Author’s note: Almost two years ago, I was putting together the final pieces of Treasure off the Coast, the first book in the Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novels series, so that Bailey, the talented illustrator for that series, could put the book together, and I could push the button which would send it into publication. Now, on the ~eve of that first book’s 2nd anniversary, I am working on its loose sequel. (the books can be read in any order so feel free to start with the new one!) With lots of luck, and some invaluable assistance from other talented people (like Bailey) the third Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novel: Treasure of Biscayne Bay, will be coming out soon! In honor of that, and the anniversary of TOC, I’ve decided to start my most ambitious series of blogs yet!!!
Why I am doing this? No one knows, especially not me. Admittedly, some of this will be helpful as I sit down to write the 3rd book in what I’ve decided to call the Treasure Trilogy which will hopefully be out next year. (Again, the books can be read in any order.) But that doesn’t entirely explain why I am doing this. I guess, it’s mostly for fun.
What you will find in the coming weeks, is a series of excerpts from a book called The Pirates Caesar. If you have a remarkable memory, and have read Treasure off the Coast you might recognize that title. If you do not recall it, or haven’t read the Treasure off the Coast, no worries. All you need to know is that The Pirates Caesar is a historical novel which the Junior Rangers Investigative Club stumbles across in their mysteries. To the members of J.R.I.C. it is a historical book, accuracies and inaccuracies included. To us, The Pirates Caesar is entirely fiction.
For those interested, hopefully this will give more insight into the history of central mysteries in each part of the Treasure Trilogy. In addition, just so that we aren’t confused, I will follow up each fictional excerpt with another article clarifying what parts are actually based on our real world history.
That reads more confusing than I mean it. Basically, The Pirates Caesar is a fictional book but the parts I will share are inspired by real history. The real history is also interesting, so I will share that too!
I want to thank everyone in the last two years who has purchased Treasure off the Coast, and everyone who has purchased The Specters of Mammoth Cave (The second Junior Rangers Investigative Club Novel, about which there will be more soon.) Without the sales of both of those two books, the third (soon to publish) and the fourth (which I am still writing) would be impossible. I also want to thank everyone who stops by this website, or drops by this blog, and reads enough of it to find this sentence. You are amazing and appreciated!
That’s all for this week! An announcement of what I will be doing starting next week.
And yes, it’s been about a month since my last blog. But that’s because I’ve been working on other cool things, (like this upcoming series of Excerpts, so stay tuned!
And, Take Care!
This was supposed to be a picture of the Fictional Book Cover for The Pirates Caesar, but I decided to save that for next week when the this Anniversary Extravaganza Begins for real! So, instead, enjoy this pirate ship sketch as it sails next to a real, and story significant Island.