Introducing Alienjest Press

This is, all, a work in progress. It feels kind of like a dinosaur assembling a Christmas Tree. I get the idea, but fell that I have no idea what I am doing. A website for a business with products in development. Ambitious ideas about where I want this to go. And barely an inkling of how to do it.

Thus with a healthy dose of self doubt, I find myself making a website. Again. This time with a purpose. That purpose, eventually, to sell books, comics, Tazo the Lattean (tm) Plushies and more. I’ll have an amazon page, or course, but sell things here to. This will also act as the business page. Fun!

To be clear, the logo will change. The domain will change, eventually I’ll open the store and begin selling the books… I’ll have to print them first, or course, and there are lots of steps before I get there. All that and more, but this is a start. A shaky shaky, fruit-shakey start!


Launching a website, starting a business and other incidentals.


Dinoforce Alpha Preview