Happy Father’s Day pt 2
So. Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of white horses for this one.
But fortunately, I do have another father figure in my life.
Pat W. Mysinger. My stepfather has been a part of my life since I was 4 years old. And I would be remiss for omitting him from my father’s day spiel. Especially because he did the one thing most important as a step father: he always included me as part of his family.
Also a veterinarian
From his wedding to my mother on, that has never changed.
I didn’t pick up his love of country music, and I definitely didn’t get his ability to dance, or his green thumb, but I have definitely been inspired by his inclusionary nature, his willingness to share his emotions when he talks about something he’s passionate about, his depth of knowledge, ability to continue to grow and change. I have to respect his developing sense of adventure.
He has his own long past before he was part of my life. And several more degrees. And I could share some of the stories I’ve heard, and the stories he’s told. But I will spare him.
Instead, I’ll write about how I still remember how he used to stop at the gas station on our way home from my little league practices and buy me jerky and a slushy. He used to carry my sister at school when her legs were “too weep and wobbly.” He once had to bait hooks for me when I went fishing because I thought it was too gross.
Near Kunming, China
He has a PhD, and a DVM, and still practices as a veterinarian, but I find it more impressive that he can return from the store with a dying orchid and return it back to health. He’s also proud of his family and, like my dad, shares stories about them. He’s been incredibly encouraging of my attempts at authorship. He is willingly up to debate. He has a pretty decent sense of humor too.
He’s also been a willing adventure as his kids start to disperse across the globe, and I still remember, fondly our trip in South Africa, including a detour to the owl named Nelspar. (A story I might write about here one day.) He also worked his way up to walking along with mom and I as we sprinted around China toward the end of my time there, and he’s continued his country hopping by traveling to Scotland for my sister’s recent wedding. (I might also write about that trip here soon. There were castles.)
Which. . . allows me to share this picture!
No white horses this time, but you do get a kilt!
Happy Father’s Day, Pat!